June Practice Groups (June 8-11)

June Practice Groups (June 8-11)

Here you will find the lists of new practice groups for this upcoming week of June 8-11. Pay close attention to any change in time and/or location for your athlete. This is the final phase of the tryout process and teams will be announced at the end of this week of practice.

Note: If you do not see your name and have participated in either tryout clinics or a private tryout, please email us to let us know. (Sorry in advance for the oversight)

New Team Info

KC Cheer is excited to announce the formation of a brand new Elite Allstar Team. The team will compete at Kansas City competitions and travel to only one out of town location, Tulsa OK! Practices start this week, on Wednesday, November 20th at 6:30. If you are interested, email Kristi Whitney at kristi@kccheer.com to set up your private evaluation. Looking forward to adding to our KC Cheer Family!

Click Here for more information and team pricing.