Information about UCA Nationals in Orlando, Florida
NCA All-Star Nationals
NCA Level 5 Teams
- All athletes are required to ride the bus to Dallas. The buses will leave from the Blue Valley Recreation Baseball complex located at 137th street between Switzer and Antioch in Overland Park (same as OKC). The parking lot is on the south side of 137th street and closest to Antioch. Please be on the bus by 5:45 a.m. so we can leave promptly at 6:00 a.m.
- The bus will only be stopping for cheerleaders to get off for food and drinks one time, so please make sure your cheerleader has snacks and drinks for the entire 9 hour trip, as well as money for lunch when we stop. We will also be making a few "stretch" stops for the drivers, but cheerleaders will not be allowed off the bus during these stops.
- When we arrive in Dallas, cheerleaders should take their luggage to their rooms and get ready for a quick team meeting to discuss the next day and potentially practice. Athletes should be in bed no later than 10:00 p.m., as we have an early day on Sunday.
- Fearless will meet in the lobby at 6:15 a.m. dressed and ready to go (white uniform, red bow).
- Ferocious will meet in the lobby at 7:45 a.m. dressed and ready to go.
- Fierce 5 will meet in the lobby at 8:00 a.m. dressed and ready to go.
- All level 5 teams (except maybe Fearless, TBD) will stay until Fireball performs at 6:46 p.m. During that time period they will meet with the coaches to practice. Team parents will be notified as we know these times.
- Here is the tentative schedule for Sunday. Times will be updated on the Master Schedule as we learn them.
Day 2 Attire (New NCA Tank, Red Bow)
- The level 5 divisions are extremely large, so it is very hard to predict times for any of the plans for Monday yet. Team parents will be notified as soon as we know times and they will relay that to the teams.
- Teams will need to have buses loaded in the morning before hotel checkout.
- Teams will stay at the convention center all day to watch each other, and will load the buses to come home after the last team's awards.
NCA LEvel 2 & 3 Teams
Below is the information for Fever, Force, Fame, Fiesta and Flawless. Please be aware of the Master KC Cheer Schedule for all performance times.
Friday, February 24
- All athletes are required to ride the bus to Dallas. The buses will leave from the Blue Valley Recreation Baseball complex located at 137th street between Switzer and Antioch in Overland Park (same as OKC). The parking lot is on the south side of 137th street and closest to Antioch. Please be on the bus by 5:45 a.m. so we can leave promptly at 6:00 a.m.
- The bus will only be stopping for cheerleaders to get off for food and drinks one time, so please make sure your cheerleader has snacks and drinks for the entire 9 hour trip, as well as money for lunch when we stop. We will also be making a few "stretch" stops for the drivers, but cheerleaders will not be allowed off the bus during these stops.
- When we arrive in Dallas, cheerleaders should take their luggage to their rooms and get ready for a quick team meeting to discuss the next day and potentially practice. Coaches will let team moms know of the time once we get to Dallas. Athletes should be in bed no later than 10:00 p.m., as we have an early day on Friday.
Saturday, February 24
Day 1 Attire (Red Tank, White Bow)
- Fever, Fame and Fiesta will meet in the lobby at a TBD time to get on the bus to go over and watch Fantasy. Team moms will let them know as soon as we know Fantasy's performance time. They don’t have to be dressed and ready, but they should have their uniforms with them because we won’t be coming back to the hotel before their performances.
- Fever, Fame and Fiesta will all watch each other and then meet in the team room after Fiesta goes. We will hold practices at the arena and go over score sheets. Buses will pick teams up to take them back to the hotel to go to bed after Fortune performs (time TBD).
- Flawless and Force will meet in the hotel lobby at 10:45 a.m. to get on the bus. This time may be earlier depending on when Fantasy goes, but it will not be later than 10:45 a.m. They will need to be dressed and ready to go at this time.
- Flawless and Force will get back on the bus to the hotel after Fortune performs. Coaches will decide when they will meet to go over scoresheets (either that night or the next day)
- Here is the schedule for Saturday. "TBD" Times will be updated on the Master Schedule as we learn them.
Sunday, February 25
- Teams will all need to load the buses with luggage at 8:00 a.m. Coaches will let Fever, Fame and Fiesta know who needs to be dressed and ready at this time. Flawless and Force will not need to be dressed and ready.
- Teams will meet coaches during their "meet time" in the team room. They will need to be dressed and ready by this time.
- Once teams are finished performing they will stay downtown at the Convention Center for the rest of the day. They will watch teams throughout the day. Buses will leave after Flawless awards, and stop for a quick meal on the way home.
Here is the tentative schedule for Sunday. Times will be updated on the Master Schedule as we learn them.
NCA Level 4 Teams
Below is the information for Fantasy and Fortune. Please be aware of the Master KC Cheer Schedule for all performance times on Saturday.
Thursday, February 23
- All athletes are required to ride the bus to Dallas. The buses will leave from the Blue Valley Recreation Baseball complex located at 137th street between Switzer and Antioch in Overland Park (same as OKC). The parking lot is on the south side of 137th street and closest to Antioch. Please be on the bus by 5:45 a.m. so we can leave promptly at 6:00 a.m.
- The bus will only be stopping for cheerleaders to get off for food and drinks one time, so please make sure your cheerleader has snacks and drinks for the entire 9 hour trip, as well as money for lunch when we stop. We will also be making a few "stretch" stops for the drivers, but cheerleaders will not be allowed off the bus during these stops.
- When we arrive in Dallas, cheerleaders should take their luggage to their rooms and get ready for a quick team meeting and potentially practice. Coaches will let team moms know of the time once we get to Dallas. Athletes should be in bed no later than 10:00 p.m., as we have an early day on Friday.
Friday, February 24
Day 1 Attire (Red Tank, White Bow)
- Fantasy will meet Shanna and Harrison in the lobby of the hotel at 7:45 a.m. dressed and ready and they’ll take them over to the arena to perform. They’ll wear white bow.
- Fortune will meet at 9:00 a.m. In the lobby to go watch Fantasy. They do not have to be in uniform.
- After Fantasy is done at 10:51 a.m., both Fortune and Fantasy will get on their buses and go back to the hotel. Fantasy will have a meeting with coaches to go over scores and potentially practice a little at the hotel. Coaches will text team mom to let them know the time.
- Fortune may practice during the day before they head over to the arena. Zonko will let the team mom know on Friday morning.
- Both teams will meet in the lobby to go watch Fortune at 3:45 p.m. Fortune must be dressed and ready to go at this time.
- Teams will load the buses after Fortune performs to go back to the hotel. Fortune will meet with coaches, but they will decide on Friday whether that will be on Friday night or Saturday morning and they'll let team mom know.
Saturday, February 25
Day 2 Attire (New Gym NCA Tank, Red Bow)
- Fantasy will be the first team of the day, regardless of their placement. Their time is TBD, so coaches will let them know when they need to be in the lobby dressed and ready to go. When they come down to meet their coaches they will also be loading luggage on the bus for the trip home, and will not be coming back to the hotel.
- Fantasy awards will be at 10:30 a.m. in the Arena. After awards they will stay at the convention center until the end of the day and should be there to support the other teams.
- Fortune will meet in the lobby at 10:45 a.m. with Flawless and Force to go over to the convention center. This time may be earlier depending on when Fantasy goes, but it will not be later than 10:45 a.m. They will be loading the buses with luggage at this time, and will need to bring their things to get ready with them to the Convention Center. Coaches will let them know what time they have to be dressed and ready to go based on their performance time, which is TBD.
- Fantasy and Fortune will board their buses after Fortune awards and head home. They will make a quick stop for dinner on the way.
Here is the tentative schedule for Saturday. Times will be updated on the Master Schedule as we learn them.