
NCA Junior & Senior Teams

Below is the information for Junior and Senior teams at NCA (everyone except Frost). Please be aware of the Master KC Cheer Schedule for all performance times.

Friday, February 23


  • All athletes are required to ride the bus to Dallas. The buses will leave from the Blue Valley Recreation Baseball complex located at 137th street between Switzer and Antioch in Overland Park (same as Jamfest). The parking lot is on the south side of 137th street and closest to Antioch.  Please be on the bus by 6:45 a.m. so we can leave promptly at 7:00 a.m.

  •  The bus will only be stopping for cheerleaders to get off for food and drinks one time, so please make sure your cheerleader has snacks and drinks for the entire 9 hour trip, as well as money for lunch when we stop. We will also be making a few "stretch" stops for the drivers, but cheerleaders will not be allowed off the bus during these stops.

  • When we arrive in Dallas, cheerleaders should take their luggage to their rooms and get ready for a quick team meeting to discuss the next day. Coaches will let team moms know of the time once we get to Dallas. Athletes should be in bed no later than 10:00 p.m., as we have an early day on Saturday.

Saturday, February 24

Day 1 Attire (Gray Tank, White Bow)

  • Fantasy and Frost will meet in the lobby at 6:00 a.m. to get on the bus. They should be completely dressed and ready to go at this time.

  • Some of the other teams will board the bus at 7:45 a.m. to go over to watch Fantasy and Frost. Others will board at a time TBD. We will let each team know their time on Friday night. They don’t have to be dressed and ready at this time, but we will not be returning to the hotel. Teams should have everything they need to get ready with them.  

  • Since Fame, Fantasy and Flawless have early performance times on Sunday, they will load the buses to return home directly after Fortune at 5:43. All other teams will load the buses after Fireball performs.

Here is the schedule for Saturday. "TBD" Times will be updated on the Master Schedule as we learn them.

Sunday, February 25

DAY 2 ATTIRE (Red Jersey, RED BOW)


  • Fantasy and Fame will need to plan to meet in the lobby at 6:00 a.m. dressed and ready to go with all of their stuff to load the buses.

  • We will let all other teams know about what time they will load the bus once we know about placements. Coaches will let you know who needs to be dressed and ready at this time.

  • Teams will meet coaches during their "meet time" in the team room. They will need to be dressed and ready by this time.

  • Once teams are finished performing they will stay downtown at the Convention Center for the rest of the day. They will watch teams throughout the day. We will send some Buses home after Fierce 5 awards at 6:30 and a some will leave after Fireball performs.

Times for Sunday will be updated on the Master Schedule as we learn them.


Below is the information for Frost. Please be aware of the Master KC Cheer Schedule for all performance times on Saturday.

Thursday, February 22


  • All athletes are required to ride the bus to Dallas. The buses will leave from the parking lots at KC Cheer Arena. Since there is not a ton of parking here please try to arrange to be dropped off or carpool.  Please be on the bus by 8:45 so we can leave promptly at 9:00.

  • The bus will only be stopping for cheerleaders to get off for food and drinks one time, so please make sure your cheerleader has snacks and drinks for the entire 9 hour trip, as well as money for lunch when we stop. We will also be making a few "stretch" stops for the drivers, but cheerleaders will not be allowed off the bus during these stops.

  • When we arrive in Dallas, cheerleaders should take their luggage to their rooms and get ready for a quick team meeting. Coaches will let team moms know of the time once we get to Dallas. Athletes should be in bed no later than 10:00 p.m., as we have an early day on Friday.

Friday, February 23

Day 1 Attire (Grey Tank, White Bow)

  • Frost will meet Zonko and Harrison in the lobby of the hotel at 3:00 dressed and ready and they’ll take them over to the arena to perform. Those who are having makeup will have that done once we get to the Convention Center. They’ll wear white bow.

  • After Frost is done at 7:06 p.m., we will get on their buses and go back to the hotel. We will have a meeting with coaches to go over scores and potentially practice a little at the hotel. Coaches will text team mom to let them know the time.

Team Hall On Bus Meet Coach Practice Perform Awards
Frost B-Hall 3:00 5:20 @CC 6:14 7:06 -

Saturday, February 24

Day 2 Attire (Red Jersey, Red Bow)

  • Frost will be one of the first teams of the day, regardless of their placement. They will  need to be in the lobby dressed and ready to go at 6:00 a.m. When they come down to meet their coaches they will also be loading luggage on the bus for the trip home, and will not be coming back to the hotel.

  • Frost awards will be at 11:10 a.m. in the B-Hall.

  • Frost will board their bus after Fierce 5 Performs at 4:15. They will make a quick stop for dinner on the way.

Here is the schedule for Saturday. Times will be updated on the Master Schedule as we learn them.


Jamfest Kansas City Nationals 2018

It’s a busy couple of weeks at KC Cheer.  All teams will be competing at Jamfest Kansas City Nationals on February 17 and 18, 2018. The event is held at The Sprint Center, which is a different location than all of the Kansas City competitions we've been to this year. 

Admission for spectators is $15 for one day or $25 for both days. Military (with ID), Seniors 65+ and Children 4 and under are free.  Additional Information can be found on the Jamfest Website

General Reminders

It is so important that all athletes are on time. These competitions will not hold our practice times, so if we are without someone at check-in, we lose our chance to warm up and practice.

This is our chance to have our hometown crowd there to cheer on our teams. Be sure to get your light up sticks at the pro shop so we can light up the arena when our teams perform. Let's really show them our KC Cheer spirit and crowd support!

It is required that all athletes be at all KC Cheer performances (unless specified below) to cheer loudly for all our teams. Please pay close attention to the schedules below to make sure you are in the arena at all of the listed performance times. It is unacceptable to miss a performance because you're eating a meal or getting ready. All of these activities can and should be planned around performance times.

Our athletes love to perform for a cheering crowd! We love to have you there to watch, but remember to make some noise too! Bring on the loud voices, lighted signs, noisemakers and cowbells to support our teams.

It is super exciting to be competing against teams from all over the country right here in our city. Remember to show great sportsmanship (cheerleaders AND parents), and hospitality so teams want to return to KC for future competitions.

Saturday, February 17

Saturday Arrival Times

Considering the length of the day, we are dividing up arrival times for the sake of our athletes. Obviously everyone is welcome and encouraged to be there to cheer on the teams all day.

  • Fireflies, Fancy and Frenzy will arrive at 9:45 a.m. They may leave after their Awards Ceremonies.

  • Firecrackers will arrive at 12:00 to meet coaches at 12:15. They may leave after their Awards Ceremony

  • Force will arrive at 1:45 and Fame and Fiercelings will arrive at 2:15. They may leave after Fiercelings perform.

  • Fever, Fierce 5, Fearless, Frost, Fantasy, Fortune and Flawless will arrive at 4:30. They may leave after Flawless performs.

Teams should plan to meet their coach in the area that we will designate ASAP when we get to the Sprint Center. Since this is a new venue, we will identify the meeting place and team moms will communicate that information to teams. Coaches will instruct team parents on where parents can meet their cheerleader following each performance.  Please be sure you are dressed and ready at the time you meet your coach.  This means hair done, lipstick and make-up done, and give all belongings to a parent or someone that can hold them until you are finished.  

Remember: Coaches may call extra practices after your teams' performances on Saturday.

Saturday Uniform/Apparel

Teams should be dressed in grey tanks and black pants or warm ups when not in uniform. Remember that you must always have your tank top or warm up jacket on to cover your midriff if you are not in the practice room or performing. Everyone will wear the white bow on Saturday.

Saturday Schedule

Listed below are the times to be dressed and ready to meet your coaches. It is very important that everyone is dressed and entirely ready at the times listed below. 

Jamfest Kansas City - Saturday
Team Arrive Report Practice Perform May Leave
Fireflies 9:45 9:45 10:15 10:45 After Awards
Fancy 9:45 10:30 11:06 11:36 After Awards
Frenzy 9:45 11;30 12:02 12:32 After Awards
Firecrackers 12:00 12:15 12:26 12:56 After Awards
Force 1:45 1:45 2:17 2:47 After Fiercelings
Fame 2:15 2:50 3:39 4:09 After Fiercelings
Fiercelings 2:15 3:50 4:24 4:54 After Fiercelings
Fever 4:30 4:45 5:13 5:43 After Flawless
Fierce 5 4:30 5:00 5:40 6:10 After Flawless
Fearless 4:30 5:00 5:46 6:16 After Flawless
Frost 4:30 5:50 6:25 6:55 After Flawless
Fantasy 4:30 5:50 6:28 6:58 After Flawless
Fortune 4:30 6:00 6:52 7:22 After Flawless
Flawless 4:30 7:15 7:44 8:14 After Flawless


Cheer prep teams and Firecrackers will have their awards ceremony on Saturday. We will communicate meet times for this as they become available.

We may call a few practices if necessary, so please be prepared. Be sure your team mom has your cell number so that she can communicate any additional information throughout the day.

SUNDAY, February 18


  • Force may leave after their awards ceremony and after Fiercelings perform at noon.

  • Fame, Fiercelings, and Fever should arrive at 9:00 to watch Force and can leave after their awards at 1:45.

  • Everyone else can arrive at 12:30 or their meet time and leave after their awards


Same rules as Saturday, but teams will wear Red Bow and Team Jerseys on Sunday.


Jamfest Kansas City - Sunday
Team Arrive Report Practice Perform Awards
Force 8:00 8:15 8:43 9:13 10:30
Fame 9:00 10:00 10:39 11:09 1:45
Fiercelings 9:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 1:45
Fever 9:00 11:45 12;19 12:49 1:45
Fearless 9:00 12:00 12:34 1:04 1:45
Fierce 5 9:00 12:00 12:40 1:10 1:45
Frost 12:30 1:30 2:00 2:30 5:00
Fantasy 12:30 1:30 2:03 2:33 5:00
Fortune 12:30 1:40 2:09 2:39 5:00
Flawless 12:30 3:05 3:41 4:11 5:00


There will be awards ceremonies throughout the day on Sunday (or Saturday, for Firecrackers and Cheer Prep) as each division finishes. Everyone must be in full uniform when they go to their awards ceremony. This means no backpacks, no warm ups, no shoes other than cheer shoes. You should look exactly as you look when you take the mat. FULL. UNIFORM.

Extra Practices for NCA

Most teams that are traveling to NCA will have practices in addition to competition this weekend.  Coaches will inform teams of their  practices times this week.

Good Luck to everyone! We know you have worked very hard, and the coaching staff is very proud of you!